Getting a house ready to sell is A LOT of work! Especially with a little helper like this...................
I have cleaned every square inch, both inside and out. All those places I normally light fixtures...fireplaces...etc. You name it, I cleaned it. Our realtor came this week and put up the sign. After they left I went outside to look and almost shed a tear. It didn't seem to belong in the front yard. Sometimes I fight the urge to take it down. But nonetheless, it will stay. Although, I know that with time Maryland will become our new home, I can't help but mourn my loss of Oklahoma. So for any of you interested here is the link to view our home. I am really going to miss it. The realtor made my month though when I read her first line in the description....Clean as a whistle! Someone noticed I cleaned! Now if I can just keep it that way! Sometimes reality is just plain hard!
Your house looks great! I would totally buy it if we were moving to Edmond! Good luck!
: ( We're sad that you're moving! The pictures of the house looks great! Hopefully you will sell right away at full asking price!! : )
I love the pic of Ben next to the for sale sign! I hope you are able to sell your home soon. How much time do you have to move before David starts radiology?
Happy cleaning!
I'm guessing you've already had a lot of people look at your house. Hopefully you won't have to worry about it for long!
Good luck on selling. It was so hard with two kids to keep the house clean. I truely wish you the best. I know that you will have tons of fun in Maryland. It is funny but I really miss Maryland too, and hated to put up the for sale sign. GOOD LUCK!!
Erin and Justin
Okay, I just looked at your house, and you are going to miss that... sorry.
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