Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Daddy, MD

I tried and tried to think of something great that I could get David for a residency graduation gift.  I asked him over and over what he wanted and all he would ever say was, "I don't need anything" or "make me a German chocolate cake."  We'll save the cake for his birthday!  We came up with this idea instead.  I printed and framed it with the intent of hanging it next to his (many) diplomas in his future office.  A lot of people can say they endured medical training, but not many can say they did that and had 4 kids during the course of it!

Taking pictures was a group effort with lots of sweat and tears involved.  It is very difficult to take a good picture of 4 tired kids in a hot sun room!  Emily was great until she got hungry.  Jacob was very upset with me from the get go.  As soon as I put on his scrubs, he started to sob and said, "I too little to go to work."  He wanted no part of it and was honestly worried I was going to send him off too work.  He has seen David wear that same color of scrubs on a very frequent basis.  This is one of the early pictures when his "too little" heart was still broken...

Kate and Ben tried their hardest, but it can be so difficult to erase those fake smiles.  We did get some cute individual pictures!  

Ben is wearing the traditional Hopkins Radiology tie and David's white coat.

And this was our best group shot.  We love and appreciate Our Daddy, MD.  


Janell said...

This is just perfect! Perfect gift, perfect pictures!! Jacob kinda broke my heart thinking you were sending him to work :( Poor little thing. But that sad face is to die for and his smile is priceless. They are all so cute! And congrats to David. Wow!

Sara said...

This is just too freakin' cute.