Monday, March 17, 2008

We Matched!

David found out today that he matched! Yes, there are people who go to 4 years of undergraduate and 4 years of medical school and don't match into the specialty of their choice and either have to pick something else or wait a year to try again. So, he will definately be a 5 years! Now we just have to wait until thursday at 1 pm Eastern time to find out where. We have absolutely no clue where it will be. So lets hear your guesses. These are your choices from his radiology rank list in NO particular order:
Mayo Clinic: Rochester, MN
University of OK: OKC, OK
Johns Hopkins: Baltimore, MD
Integris Baptist: OKC, OK
University of Wisconsin: Madison, WI
University of Nebraska: Omaho, NE
Washington University: St. Louis, MO
University of New Mexico: Albuquerque, NM
Wake Forest: Winston-Salem, NC
Baylor Dallas: Dallas, TX
University of Iowa: Iowa City, IA
Mayo Clinic: Jacksonville, FL
Scott & White: Temple, TX
UTSW: Dallas, TX

I am excited to hear your guesses! It will be our own Match March Madness bracket!


Unknown said...

Riggs Family Guesses:

Ruth: Johns Hopkins
Russ: University of OK
Madalyn: University of New Mexico
Jayden: University of Iowa (Counts as mom's second guess)

Congratulations David and Karen. We are excited to see where you are headed next. We love you guys.

Stephanie said...

Soooo.......what's the news?! : )