Friday, December 26, 2008

Sammy's Miracle Makes the News!

On Christmas Day the channel 9 news crew came to Rob and Di's home to cover Sammy's Christmas Miracle story. They said they had received a few calls from people in the area telling them about Sam and Rob. Click on this link and it should take you to the news website. Click on the video above the picture of Nat and Kat holding the sign they made for Rob at the airport and after watching the Mathis Brothers commercial you should be able to see their "Answered Prayers" segment. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!


Stephanie said...

I think that is so awesome! I am so glad that Sam is doing better and that Rob is home! : )

Life Is Beautiful! said...

I am glad Sam is better. I did not know all this was happening until last Sunday. We are happy for your family.