Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sneak Peak!

Today we got to have a sneak peak at the baby! He was measuring right on....about 4 1/2 pounds at this point; 33 weeks. I think he looked like Ben, but David thinks it's all in my head. He does have David's widow's peak though! We will get a final report from the Doctor later about the fluid levels. Ben and Kate love looking at the new pictures! They seem so much more real to them in 3D. Kate is so excited for her, "little baby" to arrive and Ben wants to "rock him or something tomorrow!"


Stephanie said...

I thought he looked just like Ben too! I can already tell he's an adorable little guy! Congrats again! So excited for you! : )

BrieAnn said...

This is seriously the best 4D ultrasound picture I've ever seen.

traske.melissa said...

so cute!! traske said he already looks like a berhmann. i am sure he will have some mad soccer skills like his big brother.

Emily said...

So fun to see! That's crazy you can see the widow's peak...

Alisha Oldroyd said...

He totally looks like Ben. Men don't know what they're talking about. Sam was totally uninterested in our 3-D photos. Isn't it fun seeing them? Makes it seem real! See-- told you he wasn't huge. :)