Sunday, January 31, 2010


I am 29 weeks now and feeling bigger than ever! And apparently I am! When I was pregnant with Ben and Kate I never got any "big" comments. This time around things are very different. Is it because I am on the East Coast? Is it because its number 3? I think I have finally realized its just because I really am HUGE! So some friends at church suggested I start a section on my blog dedicated to these lovely comments I have received. Someone might as well enjoy them and be grateful its not them! You can read them along the side of my blog in my new section, "Life, when you are pregnant."


Larsen Family said... apicture so your OK friends can see. we will tell you the truth!

Unknown said...

I don't believe it, but if people are really saying that it's because you are so tiny in the first place. There isn't much room for Baby Behrmann to grow! Consider it a complement and just know as soon as you have him you'll be looking like yourself in no time at all.

Alisha said...

Oh. MY. GOSH. People are seriously retarded. Who would say those things even if they WERE true?!?! SERIOUSLY! Don't buy any of it though. I have a friend who is like model thin, only gained 22 lbs w/ her first baby (who was 9 lbs) & someone told her she looked like she was having twins! People are just idiots. I bet you look great!

P.S. I am huge too! No one says anything but I see how wide their eyes get when I tell them I still have a few months to go!

Jones said...

well then I must see a picture of these so called huge belly of yours!

Melissa said...

Ha, I love the dressing room one!